John & Janet Malpeli,
An Open Letter to Our Many Friends
Dear friends,
For over fifteen years, John and I have enjoyed operating two Bed & Breakfast inns culminating in our wonderful experiences with Stoney Brook. In that time we have made hundreds of new friends and been enormously flattered by the remarkable volume of repeat business we have enjoyed.
We will never forget it. Thank you.
Now it is time to turn our attention to our family, particularly our beautiful grandchildren. We have retired and sold the house.

Our gardens.
Although we hoped that a buyer might continue the B&B, the new owner will use the property as a private residence. Those of you who have visited us know we built the house to suit either purpose.
It is thus with no small regret that we announce the permanent closure of Stoney Brook Bed & Breakfast.
It has been a pleasure. We wish you the best.
Janet Malpeli
Note: The inn is closed. This site is maintained only as a sample in Will Fastie's Web site portfolio.